
Think of this as a time to nest in.
Snuggle in with your baby and allow your body to rest. Put everything else aside. That might sound impossible but honestly you will cope so much better if you do and will be better able to care for your baby’s needs and heal.
Those first 6 weeks are tough! You’re sleep deprived, sore, emotional (like a rollercoaster) and in survival mode.
You’ve just had major abdominal surgery!
Time to rest, nourish and hydrate your body and focus on caring for you and your baby. Think about how and who you can get support from.
Have you got meals stocked in the freezer? Can someone make up some overnight oats for you, ready for breakfast. Are there friends or family who can do your washing or take your dog for a walk? In my Preparing for the 4th Trimester blog I go into this in more detail. https://www.pregnancyandbeyondcheshire.co.uk/post/preparing-for-baby-the-4th-trimester
Try and keep visitors to a minimum. Allow visitors to help you, make you a cup of tea. It doesn’t matter if your home is a complete tip! As a former midwife we would be concerned if we went into a new mums home and it was immaculate and she was all dressed, showered and wearing make up!
If you can, invest in a doula. They can offer bespoke support for you and your needs.

Your body needs to heal from surgery and your hormones are going through huge changes and your body is making milk for your baby in those early days, whether you breastfeed or not). There is a lot going on!
Did you know progesterone and Oestrogen plummet after delivery, contributing to the baby blues, and you have a surge of oxytocin (feel good, bonding hormone) So you need good nutrition to support these big changes.
Supporting your hormones, supporting healing of tissues and providing you with energy are key in these early days and weeks in particular.
Hydration, Vit C, Zinc, Vit A, and protein are key for wound healing and remodeling.
Think nourishing, soothing, comfort food. Casseroles, all in one savory tray bakes, soups. Hint, hint to friends and family here!
Here are some key nutrients and where you can find them:
Vit C eg: citrus fruit, berries, broccoli
Protein eg: eggs, chicken, fish, beans and pulses, tofu, broccoli
Iron eg: dark leafy greens, egg, quinoa, red kidney beans, pumpkin seeds, lean red meat
Vit A eg: broccoli, salmon, squash, sweet potatoes, egg, carrots, dairy
Zinc eg: chicken, chickpeas, spinach, cashews, hemp, tofu, pumpkin seeds, lentils
Fatty acids eg: avocado, salmon, full fat yoghurt, flax seed, chia seeds, walnuts, pecans, Kidney beans
Fibre – flax seed, fruit and veg, chia seeds, prunes, wholegrains, mixed seeds.
Alkaline foods.
Aim for anti-inflammatory foods and avoid inflammatory foods, such as
caffeine, sugars and alcohol, to promote good gut health and support healing.
Protein is essential not just for healing but for energy too. Starting your day with protein will help set you up for all the day ahead holds.
More detailed info on nutrition on my blog: https://www.pregnancyandbeyondcheshire.co.uk/post/postnatal-healing-collagen
Water water water!

Soothing herbal teas, lemon and honey in hot water.
Hydration to transport nutrients around your body, hydration to heal connective tissue, hydration to help prevent and ease constipation, hydration to help eliminate toxins.

Remember to breath!
Breathing well soothes your nervous system, eases pain, gets oxygen and nutrients moving around your body and to your scar tissue for healing. It releases tension, creates a gentle stretch in our tissues to get them moving. It helps you get better quality sleep, when you get sleep. Breathing helps to reconnect to your core. It helps to flush out your lymphatic system.
You can start with Abdominal Breath straight away:
Place your hands on your tummy.
Lie on your back with feet flat and knees bent. Relax.
Breath in through your nose aiming your breath to your tummy, feeling your tummy rise against your hands like inflating a balloon. Shoulders and chest relaxed into the floor or your bed.
Gently exhale, tummy deflating.
Repeat for at least 5 rounds. Or as long as feels good or you have time for.
360 Breath:
Hands on your rib cage. Relax. Let your chest and shoulders let go.
As you breath in feel your ribs expand against your hands or fingertips, all the way around into your back.
As you breath out feel them deflate and drop.
Close your eyes. Can you feel your core and your pelvic floor move as you breath? (More of this in Holistic Core Restore Sessions with me and postnatal recovery or scar therapy massage)
Healthy Bowel and Bladder
Hormones, medication, surgery, pregnancy are all things that affect your bowel and bladder function. You want to keep them healthy and moving.
From eliminating toxins, eliminating excess hormones, pelvic floor function and surgery recovery our bowel and bladder function is important.
You need hydration and fibre as well as anti inflammatory food and drink. (See my blogs on Nutrition for Postnatal Recovery and Constipation https://www.pregnancyandbeyondcheshire.co.uk/blog)
2 top tips!

1. Always use a step/stool to pop your feet on when you go to the loo. Knees higher than hips. It relaxes the pelvic floor and provides the optimal angle for elimination. Relax and take your time!
2. Hot water, add lemon, drink first thing in the morning before any food. It helps flush out your system.
Kiwi fruit, prunes, dates, orange juice, fresh veg, flaxseed, mixed seeds, chia seeds all help keep things moving. 1.5 – 2 l of water a day.
Lots more on bladder health in my Holistic Core Restore Programs.
Gentle movement will help you to heal and recover. Movement gets oxygen and nutrients flowing around the body, it stimulates your lymphatic system, soothes your nervous system, activates your muscles to avoid stiffness and tension and improve their function, easing pain. Movement softens and heals the connective tissue throughout your body.
Start with simple movement by gently rocking your knees side to side as you lie on your bed with your feet flat and knees bent, knees together. Small, gentle movement.
Do pelvic rocking. Lying down with your feet flat and knees bent gently breath out as you tilt your pelvis forward and breath in and let go to drop your pelvis. Small gentle movement, relaxed breath.
When you feel ready add in some heel slides. Lying on your back, feet flat, knees bent. Keep your pelvis totally still. As you breath out slowly slide one leg straight, keeping the heel on the ground, breath in and then breath out to slide it back. Repeat the other side.
Knee rocking and pelvic tilts can be done as soon after delivery as you’re able to. They will help with being able to get in and out of bed and move. Add Heel slides once you’re home and feel ready.
Getting in and out of bed and moving in general
Keep knees glued together, use your arms for leverage and support. Use your breath. Exhale on exertion.
Hold a pillow over your abdomen to gently support it when standing from sitting.
Try and work at waist height when changing nappies.
Transfer baby in and out of a pram. Avoid lifting and carrying a car seat.

Scar Therapy
You can start scar therapy from when your wound has completely healed over and there is no sign of infection.
Video of self massage starters:
To book in for scar therapy with me click here: https://wellwomencheshire.as.me/schedule.php
To find out more about my Holistic Core Restore ® C-Section Recovery program or Every Women pelvic health programs drop me a message https://www.pregnancyandbeyondcheshire.co.uk/contact-2
Great page to follow on IG: @csectionuk