Collagen is a protein component of connective tissue - muscles, cartilage, tendons, bones, skin, blood vessels and gut.
We need vitamins and minerals that promote collagen production for our bodies to heal postnatally.
Think stretched or damaged tummy muscles and vaginal wall tears, episiotomy, c-sections incisions. Weakened pelvic floor.
Bone broth is full of collagen and great for gut health. Why do we get fed chicken soup when we're unwell?! 😃. It can be used for more than just soup. Risotto being my favourite! (below is my favourite, family friendly, easy peasy Risotto recipe, you can adjust it to suit you. I add butternut squash and leave out the seafood.)
Vit C is needed for the pre collagen production phase. Anti oxidents (berries) to protect against the breakdown of collagen cells caused by toxins in everyday life.
Vit E neutralizes free radicals that damage collagen cells and works with Vit C to stimulate collagen formation.
Copper: trace mineral needed to complete final step in collagen synthesis.
Sulphur: enhances collagen synthesis.
Vit A - repairs and restores collagen damaged in the skin.
Chlorophyll increases pro collagen. Think dark leafy greens.
Zinc - stimulates collagen synthesis for bone formation and enables wounds to heal more quickly!
HYDRATION!! Collagen is 70 -80 % water. Your body needs to be well hydrated to heal. being well hydrated aids your body in transporting nutrients and oxygen around your body. Both vital for healing and function.

Foods to get in your diet:
Vit C : kiwi, citrus, berries, dark green veg, red peppers, sweet potatoe.
Vit E: Almonds, avocado, dark green veg
Vit A: carrots, sweet potatoe, apricots, squash, mangoes, cantaloupe melon. Dark green veg.
Zinc: pumpkin seeds and cashew nuts. Salmon, whole grains, pulses, nuts and seeds.
Sulphur: garlic. Copper: Almonds
Proteins: eggs, the yolk contains collagen.
Cottage cheese is rich in Vit A, zinc, copper, iron and magnesium too as well as Vit B.
Milk, yoghurt, fortified cereals and greek yoghurt.
Omega 3 is important too: fish, flaxseed, chia seeds. (chia seeds and flaxseed are both so easy to just stir into your oats porridge in the morning, make overnight oats or easy sugar free deserts)
All these things boost our immune system too and provide so many other benefits for our body.
Avoid excessive caffeine, sugar, alcohol and processed foods as these are counter productive to healing.
When you sign up to a Holistic Core Restore ® programme you receive a brilliant PDF full of easy to understand nutrition education and lots of great recipes that are so quick and easy to make and important to me, family friendly.
Contact me for more information and start your journey to strength and recovery.