Course Contents and Pricing
Pregnancy Exercise 6 week term
£60 for 6 week term
Pregnancy exercise class in person once a week.
Community WhatsApp group and social meet ups
Exercise videos to use for your own workouts through the week in our closed Face Book group
Nutrition for postnatal recovery discussion and advise.
Postnatal Exercise Program (£45)
Online Programme to access in your own time
1:1 Zoom call screen and diastasis assessment
Connecting your breath, core, pelvic floor, posture and movement video
6 weeks of exercise videos
2 bonus mini workouts
New Mum Postnatal Recovery Consultation 1hr (£35)
Deep Screening, listening to your journey.
Posture, pelvic floor, diastasis and breathing assessment.
Early postnatal ( first 1-12 weeks after delivery) bespoke recovery movement prescription.
Nourishing Nutrition for healing and recovery advice.
Accessing new mum support.​​