I would highly recommend Fiona’s pregnancy class to anyone, I am on my third term now and look forward to going every week. Her classes are great fun and she tweaks the exercises so they work for you personally. She’s also super knowledgeable and it’s great to pick her brains on all sorts of pregnancy related issues. It’s been a great opportunity to meet other mums to be and form new friendships.... I can’t wait to start her post natal class once baby arrives. G.S
I started the Monday night classes with Fiona when I was about 13 weeks pregnant. I suffer with PGP and have found the classes have really helped in easing and managing this. Before I started the classes, I was really starting to notice the pains and struggled at times to move too much. Since going to the classes I feel fitter and my PGP is extremely manageable. I have also learnt a lot about breathing techniques which will be a great help in labour. I have met some lovely mums to be and formed some great friendships. I am looking forward to plenty more catch ups and meeting all the new babies. H.J
Pregnancy classes with Fiona helped me prepare both physically and mentally for both labour and postnatal lifestyle. Even through COVID and social distancing classes were adapted to being done weekly via zoom. As well as the exercise classes Fiona creates a safe space for women to connect and has built a supportive community. H.D
Postnatal Online
Thank you so much Fiona I feel much better! Really appreciate you going to all this last-minute effort for us Having the online classes during lockdown has been great – it’s good to try and find some rhythm and routine to the week instead of letting all the days blur into one! It’s really easy to focus on keeping the children entertained at home but it has helped me to commit to making sure I do something for me each week and it’s nice to ‘see’ someone else too!
Having the post-natal class online has been paramount to retaining a positive attitude and they have been some 'me time' during lockdown when it is difficult to get a moment alone with my husband being off work as well. The exercises are specific for a post-natal body and Fiona answers queries and then adapts classes and mid-week videos to accommodate requests. The extra videos and workouts in the week have been a lovely bonus and something to keep me going until the next class.
Holistic Core Restore
I am much stronger in my pelvic floor and have seen great results when exercising through less leaking. Fiona was empathetic and understanding of how my lifestyle is difficult to get the perfect diet and exercise balance. She has really taught me to be kind to myself and mark the little wins, tackling things in smaller sections to get long term results. I would highly recommend Fiona and the programme; in fact my mum is going to start it! Fiona worked with me to offer alternatives to exercises I am doing in my weekly FitMums class.